eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Tour of California 2011
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Page 1  - Preliminary, Relay for Life
Page 2 - Checking in
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Page 4 - Coming back through 1st St.
Page 5 - Tesla & Mines -The breakaway group
Page 6 - Tesla & Mines - the Pack
Page 7 - Tesla & Mines, the pack & Chase Vehicles

2009 Tour of California
2010 Tour of California
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Stage 4 of the Tour of California began in Livermore on Wednesday, May 18, 2010
Beginning at 11:45am, it traveled through downtown Livermore, town East Ave, to Vasco, to Patterson Pass road to Cross Road (east of the Lab), then back to Tesla heading west.  It then turned south on to Mines Road toward Mt. Hamilton.  The stage finished in San Jose.

Christopher Horner won the stage with a time of 3 hours, 27 minutes, and 51 seconds.
Andy Schleck finished second, 1 minutes and 15 seconds behind.

The eLivermore.com photographer was at the start line, and then at the Tesla/Mines Road turn.

The starting line on 1st St, just west of L.


The downtown Businesses got into the celebration with decorated bicycle wheels, which will be auctioned off.


Lots of press in town for the event.

Mayor Kamena arrives in the Livermore Heritage Guild Model T fire truck, driven by Tim Sage.
Mayor Kamena, a cancer survivor himself, is followed by local cancer survivors celebrating the Relay for Life.




Mayor Kamena greets people as he makes his way to the stage, shaking hands with Chris Hinds.

Some of the Chase vehicles lining up.

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